Patent Basics

Chances are you’ve heard a friend or colleague say, “I’m one good idea away from being a millionaire!” many times. You may have even said it yourself. If you have a great idea that you think could be a viable product and could ultimately be profitable, obtaining a patent is the only way to secure […]
Keeping Business Copycats at Bay with Trademarks

Sometimes the best way to protect your business from lawsuits, unnecessary expenses, and loss of income is to learn from the mistakes of others. Such is the case with trademarks. History is littered with thousands of cases – some frivolous, others successful – involving one company suing another over alleged trademark infringement. Yet these problems […]
Safeguarding Your Intangible Assets
Whether you are new to business or a seasoned entrepreneur, there is regular and ongoing creation of a great deal of intellectual property. For this reason, you should consider the steps required for protecting, managing, and legally enforcing ownership on a regular basis in order to get the best possible commercial results. The value of intellectual […]
Trade Secret Protections in Pennsylvania
Your trade secrets are the lifeblood of your company. If you lose them you could lose your business. This is why I strongly advise you to make every effort to protect your trade secrets from theft or misappropriation. Trouble is, with today’s de facto work culture of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), your employees […]
Demystifying U.S. Provisional Patent Applications*
U.S. provisional patent applications have been identified as a good way for inventors to protect their ideas. While provisional patent applications are a good way to protect a new idea, it is important to keep a few simple thoughts in mind in this respect. This article will briefly outline some of the advantages and pitfalls […]
5 Things to Know Before Your Attorney Consultation
Before you meet with your attorney to discuss legal and business strategies for your startup, do your homework so that you can maximize the value you gain from the consultation. Here are five concepts you should be familiar with and tasks you should complete before you meet with your attorney: Write a Strong Business Plan Your business […]